Sunday 17 March 2013

Confessions, Proposals & Superficial Love?

Hello sugar dumplings!

Bright beautiful Sunday. Excellent South Indian coffee. Stalking people on facebook. Could life get any better? ;)

Actually, it could (I want to go back to my home! *sob sob*) but so far so good, boys and girls. We're survivors, no?

Now as you can see through the title of this post, facebook's infamous boom of 'confession' & 'proposals' pages inspired me to pen down my thoughts.

Oh wait! You haven't seen them? Jeez! Are you lucky or what? Trust me, if you haven't seen it, consider yourself blessed. Why? Well, for starters it's borderline stupid.

No offence to all the page admins. I'm sure you're doing a noble deed by 'spreading love' & 'exposing your colleges secrets'. The one's I speak about are the ones who actually POST in these pages.

Example: Oh XYZ! Your eyes make my heart melt. Please be mine! Blah blah blah.


I said so-and-so to so-and-so Sir! How cool am I?

Now what doesn't make sense to me is WHY post it anonymously? I mean who confesses anonymously? If you confesses, people have to know WHO did it and WHY, right?

Okay, so maybe you did something in your college that is so shameful that you cannot face the world but you still want to get it off your chest. I can understand then why you posted it anonymously.

But a proposal? C'mon! You have got to be kidding me! If you like a someone, either you sit back, relax and watch someone else get him/her or you grow some 'spherical items' (if you know what I mean) and tell him/her openly about your feelings.

Really, think about how the girl/guy must be thinking after he/she sees the post. This is what he/she probably thinks: 'What kind of a sick ass pervert would write things like that?'. You may sound all cuddly, cute and romantic but think about it, chances are you may just come off as down right corny and funny to the outside world.

Now I won't deny the fact that once upon a time, I did try to pull that stint off. But that was a few years back when I was still a naive little girl. I had a massive crush on my senior in college and for the love of God, I could never muster the courage to speak with him. I was popular enough in college AND I had enough mutual friends with him, that could grant me the ticket to talk to him.

But I never did. Probably I knew I'd choke and die whilst talking to him. So anyway, it was his batch's farewell and we juniors had to throw a farewell bash for them. My friends were in the organizing committee of that bash and they were decorating souvenirs/mementos for them. I wanted to take HIS souvenir and slip a note describing how much I liked him.

*Please feel free to LOL at this moment. I told you I was a naive little kid back then*

Did I manage to do it? NO.

Lord bless this world 'coz I have an amazing best friend/brother-from-another-mother/hommie who threw me out of the room the minute I voiced my awesome idea. Of course, I huffed and puffed and fumed all day for not being able to pull off my 'great plan'. But you know what? I'm now glad I didn't. I didn't even think how he would react after seeing that note.

Honestly, I would rather not exist in his world (I still don't) than have him think which pervert wrote that note!

Take a chance boys/girls. Talk to your crush. You never know, the guy/girl of your dreams might actually be a jerk OR he/she MAY like you back as well. Don't sit in the sidelines and sigh and then post your feelings on facebook! -_-

Now if you've managed to talk to your crush, just take a deep breath and after a LOT of thinking and wooing just ask him/her out. I mean what's the worst that could happen? She'd say No. Your heart breaks but time will heal it all mate.

I keep hearing from my friends 'Dude. What if she slaps me?'. For crying out loud, we're NOT living in the 60's where asking a girl out was equivalent to questioning her modesty! However, yes, she will slap you (even in this generation) if you ask her out cheaply! But I'm assuming you're decent, so chances of you getting whacked are nil.

Bottom-line is don't creep him/her out, instead try and win his/her heart (Hey! That rhymed!). And no anonymous proposals. PLEASE.

Good luck with your love life!

Tell me what you guys think. Share or comment this post. Your choice.

Have a great day everyone!

I'll write soon. Until then, adios amigos!