Saturday 3 August 2013

Selfish Shellfish? Selfless Walrus?

Aloha my pretzels,

I hope you read this in the pink of health. ^_^

Okay before I start today's topic let's clear out a few things, okay?

Firstly, my sincere apologies for being off grid for months. I don't have writing as my career. Been busy with work and honestly, I was lacking inspiration.

Secondly, a few of you have asked me why I refer to your guys as food at the start of every post. Well, I love food (people who know me know it shows ^_~ ) and I have a major sweet tooth. I think I need sugar to function normally, so you see why I address you as my sweetlings. Teehee.

Lastly, many of you ALSO asked me why I write about love/feelings/emotions. Well, I feel like writing about it and sharing my views. Simple as that. You are most welcome to close this window and read something else you know! I'm not complaining. :P

So now that all that stuff has been sorted, it's time to talk about today's topic - Selfish Shellfish? Selfless Walrus?

Chill people, I promise we are not going to talk about fishes and stuff! -_-
That'd be weird... o_O

So the idea of this post came up a few weeks back. A friend of mine called me up one evening and we were generally talking. So this guy adds my pretty little cousin as his friend on Facebook (For the love of God, I still don't understand why! And they seem to be liking each other's statuses and posts & you get it.. -_- Read: NOT COOL).

Now during our call, my friend casually asks me, "So say you like me and say I hit it off with your cousin, what would you do?". And although, the very idea of him eyeing my sister pisses me off, I did think of that hypothetical situation and I told him "Well, you have my blessings! You can do what you want with her. In fact, I'll support the two of you in case anyone objects".

And he goes "OMG! You'd simply accept it? You won't fight for me? Nothing mean? You won't hatch an evil plan?"
And I went "Why should I fight for something that doesn't belong to me? AND, this is NOT Gossip Girl for God's sake. Who the f**k actually plots evil stuff in real life?"

Now, boys and girls, think. Would you go into your mean mode and try to get someone you know has no feelings for you? Or would you just let it be and move on?

I guess sometimes in life you just have to be a bigger person and let go. And I wouldn't expect you understand the gravity of what I mean. Maybe, we all have to go through it once to understand it. I remember a few years back our family wasn't in a great condition and my dad had to do something he wasn't particularly glad about. When I called him and asked him why he did what he did, he was quite for a long time and finally said, "I know I'll find my happiness in yours. I hope you never have to go through it."

That's when it hit me. That's when my idea of 'Selfless Love' basically took birth. To absolutely let go of everything that means to you for someone you truly love & care about.


A week back, we had a small get together at home. It was initially intended for 5 people - Me & 4 errr.. senior citizens and the agenda was simple - having dinner and watching weird Hindi soap operas.

But, I think the Almighty loves adding drama in my life, so in a weird twist of fate, when I dressed up and came out of my room, I was greeted by a gorgeous woman and I have seen this woman millions of times ONLY in family photographs. I had never seen her in real life until that day. My brain went in override mode because she was none other than the wife of my first love. (NO the guy never liked me back. No, he didn't know that I had feelings for him and NO, I am not in love with that man any more. I assure you guys..)

Following behind her... HIM. And instantly I thought to myself - Someone up there must really hate me. -_-
Not only did I feel like some tattered farmer's daughter in front of the gorgeous couple, I didn't even look presentable! I had tied my hair in a tight bun and I had oil in hair! FML. 

It was supposed to be a night with senior citizens. C'mon, I hadn't dolled up. Not that I wanted to look drop dead gorgeous around him, no, nothing of that sort. Just presentable.

(I did manage as much as I could to stay away from them and be restricted to the kitchen. So yay!)

Now I have this weird habit of observing the way a man looks at his girl. I don't know why I do it but somewhere down the line, I think I can judge how much the guy likes his girl. I know it sounds silly but bear with me. So, during dinner this guy passes on juice to her and he kept looking at her with a small smile on his face. And I wasn't jealous or anything. I always thought I would be when I see them together.

He was happy and I was happy about that. EVEN if I was in love with him, I'm pretty sure, I would still be happy for him. I wouldn't go all bitchy mode and try to claim him for myself. NEVER.

As my father said, "I know I'll find my happiness in yours".


Now by being selfless I don't mean you go all 'I love you. I will be your slave for the rest of my life and you can treat me like sh*t and I won't say a word because that's what the world's greatest lovers do' and all that bullsh*t.

NO. -_-

I don't encourage martyrdom and I certainly don't abet in emotional suicide. -_-

Friendzone has become too mainstream for you to take the 'selfless' risk.

I know a few friends who go out of the way for a girl/guy, only to get rejected and Lord have mercy on them, they still go out of their way to keep the other party happy. Seriously, WTF? o_O

Selflessness doesn't mean you lose your self respect.

I know this one guy who ALWAYS gets friendzoned. I don't understand him. He gets TOO friendly with a girl TOO soon and then disaster strikes.

I recently hooked him up with a girl I know form office and they went out on their first date to a picturesque place outside of city. I was so excited for them, I nearly behaved like I was going on my first date.

LOL. No, my first date was not so fancy. It was a nice friendly dinner and I was a nervous wreck before alcohol clouded my brain. -_-
Yea, as expected I didn't make much of an impression on the guy 'coz the guy never took me out again. :P

But that's a different story and nothing of that sort happened with my friend. Thank God! ^_^ I had warned him - DO NOT GET TOO FRIENDLY WITH THIS ONE. YOU HAVE ENOUGH BEST FRIENDS. YOU DON'T NEED ANOTHER ONE. JUST PLAY IT COOL. PLEASE.

And he did. They sent me pictures of the two together and I was beyond happy that day.

So you see, unlike his stupid selfless behaviour, a little selfishness did my friend good. ;)

So, lemme know what you guys think. Are you a shellfish? Or a cute Walrus? ;)
I love hearing from you guys.

I am having my sweet cravings. Hehehehehe... I'm off to fill my tummy.

Toodles world. Until next time, Adiós Amigos.

Saturday 25 May 2013

Is love really that complex?

Hello my donuts!! ♥ ♥

I hope everything has been bright and sunny at your end. Mine sure has. And I mean literally! Too hot and humid in this part of the world. -_-

Today I will be talking about a rather touchy topic, so all you people out there who don't have a broad mind or who don't 'think', I request you to close this web page and well, surf some other site.

Ha Ha! Funny thing about the human mind is that the more you poke it not to do something, the more it is intrigued to do it. But, that was no cheap tactic to get you to read my post, I genuinely meant that as a warning. ^_^

This is STRICTLY my view on how I look at things.

So, lets begin! :)

Today's topic as the name of this post suggests is "Is love really that complex?". In my point of view, NO. Love ain't complex. People are. Thus, people make love complex. Love is beautiful feeling (if you have felt it). And what makes it even more wonderful is when you love and you are loved back.

Cupid ain't stupid. You are.

Now, when I say love and be loved, I mean in the same timeline. -_-
Not the weird love stories where a girl loves a guy and the guy is like "Dafuq?". And nearly a year later, by God's unforeseen miracle, the guy responds back and the girl is like "Dafuq? It's been months since you rejected me and I'm over you!". I know this story sounds ridiculously funny but trust my soul, this is a true story! :|

If you have felt someone's love in the same time frame, bless your soul, you're lucky! :) The other unlucky ones, ummm.. Errrr... Keep your hopes up!

Now you love each other, everything is hunky dory, the world is shining for you but BOOM, something goes wrong. So who made things go wrong? Was it Love? Or was it the human involvement?

Oh I don't mean the unexpected things that come up during relationships. I mean the "I love you but I cannot be with you because we follow different religions!" or "You and I are of same sex. We cannot be together" or "The age difference between us is insane. We aren't meant to be" sort of problems that occur.

Boohoo... Things are not so La-Di-Da now, are they?

Now I will be talking about love and religion and age. So readers are still advised to turn back if they cannot handle it. I will not be talking about love involving same sex because I don't love anyone of the same sex and neither do I know anyone who does so. So, although I support love between same sex, I don't have a definitive opinion about it.

So love and religion. Ah! Religion - One of the prime agents that still contribute to the factor of two people being together in this country. I personally hate it. Maybe it's because I'm open minded and I think if two people want to be together, they should. To hell with the world. I admire the western countries for this. People out there can be with anyone they desire and no one points a finger at them and says 'What have you done? You have sinned. You will burn.. etc etc..'

I wonder why majority of the parents are still so rigid, even in this generation! Sometimes, I think 'Hey! Maybe our parents were also young and hot blooded like us. Maybe they too fell in love. Maybe their parents said NO and now our folks have vowed never to let anyone else including their kids stay happy'.

And then I get a scarier thought 'If this trend/cycle continues, will we let our kids also suffer?'. I hope not. o_O

Now, don't think of me as an atheist. I'm not. I do believe in the Almighty but I also respect other's belief. And as long as you respect that and are ready to accept them for who they are, for what they believe in, I don't think you'd make your love story complicated.

I know a few people who ended their love stories just because they thought they didn't have a future. Its so sad. It really is. And not because, they didn't have their happily ever after. It's sad because they claimed they loved each and didn't stand up for each other.

Where is the love then? -_-
I hope you guys have heard Adele's song - Skyfall. Beautiful voice. Beautiful song. And lovely lyrics.

♪ Let the sky fall,
When it crumbles,
We will stand tall,
and face it all, together,
at Skyfall. ♫

Trust me boys, if you claim to love your girl and don't stand up for her, you're an idiot! There is nothing more attractive than a guy standing up for his girl. Period. And the same applies to women. If you fell in love and didn't stand up for your man, shame on you!

I personally love this ad. For the folks who don't understand Hindi, the ad involves a couple (following different religions) having a new born baby and the dad who decides that his daughter should be able to choose whichever religion she wants to follow. I think this ad is just brilliant.

I wish more people were like that and not because of the fan showcased in the ad. ;)

So that was people in love who belong to different religions. Don't even get me started with people in love, from SAME religious background but end their relationship because of caste issues. Every time I hear such a story, I feel like giving myself a facepalm. -_- It's like we deliberately and subconsciously have vowed to make our love lives more complex.

"We cannot be together because I'm from the purest of pure castes and you, well, are from a not-so-pure caste!"

I think it is ridiculous and I mean no offence to anyone who is under going such a problem but really, think about it, isn't it us humans who make matters more complicated?

Lets add another bit of complexity in our love stories. AGE! Now personally, I think, an age difference of plus or minus three years is okay between a guy and girl. But somehow, it still bothers people and that again becomes a lingering factor of two people not being together. Of course, if the age difference between you and your partner is HUGE, then that IS weird and you should really ask yourself what the hell are you doing? o_O

Bottom line is: ALL these worldly factors introduced by us humans make our own lives so complicated, we just forget to cherish true feelings in life sometimes.

So I say it again - Love ain't complex. People are. People make things complicated.

Now that we established that things are complex because of us humans, how you deal with these factors will test your love for your partner.

Would you risk it all for your happily-ever-after with your loved one? Think about it. ^_^

As for me, I know I won't go down without fight. And then again, what is life without a little drama? ;)

Until next time... Hmm.. I won't sign off the usual way today. 

I recently came across a couple who have been together for 9 friggin' years. AMAZING right? What makes it even more amazing is that, they are of different nationality and different religions and different age group. Talk about diversity! Sheesh.. :D
Oooh.. Cherry on the cake is that they'll be married next year. Woohoo! :D

So until next time, folks, keep your hopes up, FIGHT and make your lives uncomplicated! Toodles. :D

Sunday 17 March 2013

Confessions, Proposals & Superficial Love?

Hello sugar dumplings!

Bright beautiful Sunday. Excellent South Indian coffee. Stalking people on facebook. Could life get any better? ;)

Actually, it could (I want to go back to my home! *sob sob*) but so far so good, boys and girls. We're survivors, no?

Now as you can see through the title of this post, facebook's infamous boom of 'confession' & 'proposals' pages inspired me to pen down my thoughts.

Oh wait! You haven't seen them? Jeez! Are you lucky or what? Trust me, if you haven't seen it, consider yourself blessed. Why? Well, for starters it's borderline stupid.

No offence to all the page admins. I'm sure you're doing a noble deed by 'spreading love' & 'exposing your colleges secrets'. The one's I speak about are the ones who actually POST in these pages.

Example: Oh XYZ! Your eyes make my heart melt. Please be mine! Blah blah blah.


I said so-and-so to so-and-so Sir! How cool am I?

Now what doesn't make sense to me is WHY post it anonymously? I mean who confesses anonymously? If you confesses, people have to know WHO did it and WHY, right?

Okay, so maybe you did something in your college that is so shameful that you cannot face the world but you still want to get it off your chest. I can understand then why you posted it anonymously.

But a proposal? C'mon! You have got to be kidding me! If you like a someone, either you sit back, relax and watch someone else get him/her or you grow some 'spherical items' (if you know what I mean) and tell him/her openly about your feelings.

Really, think about how the girl/guy must be thinking after he/she sees the post. This is what he/she probably thinks: 'What kind of a sick ass pervert would write things like that?'. You may sound all cuddly, cute and romantic but think about it, chances are you may just come off as down right corny and funny to the outside world.

Now I won't deny the fact that once upon a time, I did try to pull that stint off. But that was a few years back when I was still a naive little girl. I had a massive crush on my senior in college and for the love of God, I could never muster the courage to speak with him. I was popular enough in college AND I had enough mutual friends with him, that could grant me the ticket to talk to him.

But I never did. Probably I knew I'd choke and die whilst talking to him. So anyway, it was his batch's farewell and we juniors had to throw a farewell bash for them. My friends were in the organizing committee of that bash and they were decorating souvenirs/mementos for them. I wanted to take HIS souvenir and slip a note describing how much I liked him.

*Please feel free to LOL at this moment. I told you I was a naive little kid back then*

Did I manage to do it? NO.

Lord bless this world 'coz I have an amazing best friend/brother-from-another-mother/hommie who threw me out of the room the minute I voiced my awesome idea. Of course, I huffed and puffed and fumed all day for not being able to pull off my 'great plan'. But you know what? I'm now glad I didn't. I didn't even think how he would react after seeing that note.

Honestly, I would rather not exist in his world (I still don't) than have him think which pervert wrote that note!

Take a chance boys/girls. Talk to your crush. You never know, the guy/girl of your dreams might actually be a jerk OR he/she MAY like you back as well. Don't sit in the sidelines and sigh and then post your feelings on facebook! -_-

Now if you've managed to talk to your crush, just take a deep breath and after a LOT of thinking and wooing just ask him/her out. I mean what's the worst that could happen? She'd say No. Your heart breaks but time will heal it all mate.

I keep hearing from my friends 'Dude. What if she slaps me?'. For crying out loud, we're NOT living in the 60's where asking a girl out was equivalent to questioning her modesty! However, yes, she will slap you (even in this generation) if you ask her out cheaply! But I'm assuming you're decent, so chances of you getting whacked are nil.

Bottom-line is don't creep him/her out, instead try and win his/her heart (Hey! That rhymed!). And no anonymous proposals. PLEASE.

Good luck with your love life!

Tell me what you guys think. Share or comment this post. Your choice.

Have a great day everyone!

I'll write soon. Until then, adios amigos!

Wednesday 27 February 2013

Flowers and Smiles

Aloha colorful sprinkles!

Super compelled to write tonight.Why? Well, read on, darling!

So I had a shitty day in office today. Oh you know, typical workplace sharks. Tough task given by the boss. Homesickness creeping in. AND my crush is leaving the company (but that really isn't all that important).Yes, I was Little Miss Grumpy all day.

So, after wrapping up for the day (read: after snapping at a colleague), I headed over to my bus to brood for around TWO hours till I reached home.

Fast forward to me getting off the bus. Now, my home is roughly a 5-6 minute walk from the main road. Usually it's a brisk walk but today I was simply dragging my feet. And viola, a little kid starts pulling my kurti. Now Little Miss  Grumpy wanted nothing but to push the kid away but the kid opened his mouth and said, "Akka! Buy pretty flower".

I don't know what was it that made me stop. Either it was the fact that the kid called me 'Akka', which means elder sister in this part of the world (I have a soft spot for kids calling me their elder sister) OR it was the fact that a small kid conversed with me in broken English (again, in this part of the world MOST of the people speak their native language) OR maybe it was both!

Well anyway, I looked at the kid and call me crazy, but the kid wasn't that great looking; He was shabby, half my height (I'm 5'2" by the way), holding a bunch of mogras BUT he had the most twinkling eyes I've seen in a LONG time!

So Little Miss Grumpy snaps at the kid. "No! I don't want pretty flowers"

Kid: Akka! Only 14 Rupees akka!

Little Miss Grumpy: No! I don't want! Go!

Kid: Akka Please!

Ok! So my heart melted, alright? I stopped and I asked, "So I buy two flower, how much?" Kid replies almost instantly with the glint in his eyes, "28 Rupees".

"And if I buy 1 flower and half flower?"

"21 Rupees", he beams.

Now this whole I-wanna-test-your-maths-skills game made Little Miss Grumpy smile after a rough day. We started walking again and I asked the kid, "Maths is your favourite subject? Which class?"

"I study in 1-B"

"I studied in 1-G", I say

"So you buy flower?", the kid asks impatiently.

"Yes ok I buy flower. Give two. I give 26, correct?"

"Noooo", croons the kid, "28 Rupees".

We reach my home and we exchanges items and I tell the kid "Go home! Do Maths. Homework. Don't sell".

And he smiles back at me and innocently replies, "Amma (mother) not well. I sell".

A knot forms in my throat. Here I am, brooding because I had a shitty day and this twinkly-eyed smart kid sells flowers because his mom is unwell. The entire journey I thought a 22 year old girl walked home with a 6 year old. Turns out the little kid is a MUCH older person than me, emotionally at least.

The kid smiled at me, turned around and started walking. I really don't know what hit me but something definitely did. I shouted out, "Oi kid. WAIT!". The kid spins around and looks at me puzzled.

I pull out a fancy yellow colored note from my purse and place it in his pocket. The kid is obviously horrified at  seeing the three digit Gandhi-imprinted note being placed in his pocket. I look at him and say sternly, "You give that to Amma. And study maths properly. I fail in my exam."

The kid studies me for a minute and says, "I study Akka. I no fail. I give money to Amma".

Ashamed and feeling incredibly small, I watched as the kid spun around and walked away.

No. I didn't ask his name. Did I give the kid a little too much? That's really off the point. Did the kid make a fool out of me? Who cares? MY money. I can blow it all off in gambling, for all I care.

I probably won't see him again, but I'll be dammed if I EVER forget the kid. He sure has a lot on his plate for a 6 year old. Mom unwell. Selling flowers. Excelling at maths. And yet, his eyes twinkled. Yet, he was happy.

That's what I want, I thought, after scurrying home. My eyes twinkling with happiness in good times and bad. Who knows? I may bring a difference to someone else's life. ^_^

And now, you know why I was compelled to write tonight.

Crashing now, dear world. Have to brave another day at the office tomorrow.

Until next time, keep twinkling! Adios amigos!

Saturday 16 February 2013

Changing colors like a chameleon

Hello cherry pies!

Yes forgive me for not having posted in a VERY LONG time. To tell you the truth, I had nearly forgotten about this blog *shameful gaze*. But, bless the Lord, for having given me friends who love reading what ever I write and reminding me that Midnight Façade exists.

Now, my life has turned topsy-turvey since the last time I blogged. Firstly, I got transferred at work. Damn the workplace policies *rolls eyes*. So new place. New people. Heart had to be mended (never mind that). And I wasn't in the pink of health either.

So, after fixing myself and FINALLY getting used to this place, I decided it's high time I stared at my laptop, wear my PINK geeky spectacles and wrote something.

I'm sure some of you are wondering why the odd title.

Lately I've been seeing a LOT of people who are WAY TOO nice to people, who don't really deserve that much attention. Yes, I know, none of my business and you can take my word, I don't put my nose in it. I just sit, observe, stalk and judge. Teehee. It's just that I feel bad for the nice person. He/She doesn't know what they're bringing upon themselves.

So what happens when you are too nice to people? They take advantage of you. Don't get me wrong. I'm not whining or anything here. I have seen it. Not only for myself but others too. I'm sure you have too. Don't lie, you sneaky little thing, you know you start expecting too much out of the nice person.

Of course, there are the valiant selfless people who work out things for you no matter what. Personally, I don't like it. I really think there has to be a limit.

Now, a person like me (I'm an extrovert FYI, except when it comes to talking to my crush. I turn mute then! *facepalm*), I am nice by default with all. Extra-nice with people I really like and people I don't like, well, lets not get there because ignorance is really bliss. I would probably just ignore you and wouldn't even care how you felt.

So why the categorisation? Whoosh! Story time, huh? Naaaah. I like telling stories with a happy ending. Now, all of you are smart people out there. You can join the dots, I'm sure. I was too nice once upon a time. And then, people just started expecting too much, too soon, too often. Probably, a nerve exploded in my brain and I shouted...

Ok, so I went through sh*t before the realisation struck me. But, better late than never, right?

It's not about doing something for someone that is wrong. What's wrong is when the other party doesn't give you back even quarter of what you do for them. Worse: when they don't even appreciate your effort!
Now, I know what you'll say. "You must do things unconditionally for someone. Never expect anything back.. Yada yada yada.. Blah Blah."

Yes, well, this ain't charity honey! This is your life. If someone does something nice for you, you'd appreciate it right? Well then, why can't people AT LEAST appreciate what you do for them? Make an effort to GENUINELY give back, however small. A smile. A hug. A thank you.

Trust me. Some people don't even do that. It takes all kinds to make this world, eh?

It's the little things that matter in life. ^_^

And that's how it is now. I change colors.

You nice. I nice.
You bad. I bad.
You extra-nice. Hallelujah! Welcome to my extra-sweet world.

And so ladies and gentleman, boys and girls, PLEASE don't be an idiot. Learn to moderate how much you give to the other person. If someone doesn't treat you well, put a stone on your heart and do the right thing.


Don't know what is right or what is wrong? Grab one of your closest friends and ask him/her for his/her opinion. Don't have a bestie? Oh well, you're in sh*t.

But then again, you have me. TADA. I will gladly offer you some expert advice. (~_^)

Time to binge on some potato chips and watch a good movie. Tell me what you think. Leave a comment below. Share this post. Your wish!
Until then, adios amigos! Thanks for reading!