Saturday 3 August 2013

Selfish Shellfish? Selfless Walrus?

Aloha my pretzels,

I hope you read this in the pink of health. ^_^

Okay before I start today's topic let's clear out a few things, okay?

Firstly, my sincere apologies for being off grid for months. I don't have writing as my career. Been busy with work and honestly, I was lacking inspiration.

Secondly, a few of you have asked me why I refer to your guys as food at the start of every post. Well, I love food (people who know me know it shows ^_~ ) and I have a major sweet tooth. I think I need sugar to function normally, so you see why I address you as my sweetlings. Teehee.

Lastly, many of you ALSO asked me why I write about love/feelings/emotions. Well, I feel like writing about it and sharing my views. Simple as that. You are most welcome to close this window and read something else you know! I'm not complaining. :P

So now that all that stuff has been sorted, it's time to talk about today's topic - Selfish Shellfish? Selfless Walrus?

Chill people, I promise we are not going to talk about fishes and stuff! -_-
That'd be weird... o_O

So the idea of this post came up a few weeks back. A friend of mine called me up one evening and we were generally talking. So this guy adds my pretty little cousin as his friend on Facebook (For the love of God, I still don't understand why! And they seem to be liking each other's statuses and posts & you get it.. -_- Read: NOT COOL).

Now during our call, my friend casually asks me, "So say you like me and say I hit it off with your cousin, what would you do?". And although, the very idea of him eyeing my sister pisses me off, I did think of that hypothetical situation and I told him "Well, you have my blessings! You can do what you want with her. In fact, I'll support the two of you in case anyone objects".

And he goes "OMG! You'd simply accept it? You won't fight for me? Nothing mean? You won't hatch an evil plan?"
And I went "Why should I fight for something that doesn't belong to me? AND, this is NOT Gossip Girl for God's sake. Who the f**k actually plots evil stuff in real life?"

Now, boys and girls, think. Would you go into your mean mode and try to get someone you know has no feelings for you? Or would you just let it be and move on?

I guess sometimes in life you just have to be a bigger person and let go. And I wouldn't expect you understand the gravity of what I mean. Maybe, we all have to go through it once to understand it. I remember a few years back our family wasn't in a great condition and my dad had to do something he wasn't particularly glad about. When I called him and asked him why he did what he did, he was quite for a long time and finally said, "I know I'll find my happiness in yours. I hope you never have to go through it."

That's when it hit me. That's when my idea of 'Selfless Love' basically took birth. To absolutely let go of everything that means to you for someone you truly love & care about.


A week back, we had a small get together at home. It was initially intended for 5 people - Me & 4 errr.. senior citizens and the agenda was simple - having dinner and watching weird Hindi soap operas.

But, I think the Almighty loves adding drama in my life, so in a weird twist of fate, when I dressed up and came out of my room, I was greeted by a gorgeous woman and I have seen this woman millions of times ONLY in family photographs. I had never seen her in real life until that day. My brain went in override mode because she was none other than the wife of my first love. (NO the guy never liked me back. No, he didn't know that I had feelings for him and NO, I am not in love with that man any more. I assure you guys..)

Following behind her... HIM. And instantly I thought to myself - Someone up there must really hate me. -_-
Not only did I feel like some tattered farmer's daughter in front of the gorgeous couple, I didn't even look presentable! I had tied my hair in a tight bun and I had oil in hair! FML. 

It was supposed to be a night with senior citizens. C'mon, I hadn't dolled up. Not that I wanted to look drop dead gorgeous around him, no, nothing of that sort. Just presentable.

(I did manage as much as I could to stay away from them and be restricted to the kitchen. So yay!)

Now I have this weird habit of observing the way a man looks at his girl. I don't know why I do it but somewhere down the line, I think I can judge how much the guy likes his girl. I know it sounds silly but bear with me. So, during dinner this guy passes on juice to her and he kept looking at her with a small smile on his face. And I wasn't jealous or anything. I always thought I would be when I see them together.

He was happy and I was happy about that. EVEN if I was in love with him, I'm pretty sure, I would still be happy for him. I wouldn't go all bitchy mode and try to claim him for myself. NEVER.

As my father said, "I know I'll find my happiness in yours".


Now by being selfless I don't mean you go all 'I love you. I will be your slave for the rest of my life and you can treat me like sh*t and I won't say a word because that's what the world's greatest lovers do' and all that bullsh*t.

NO. -_-

I don't encourage martyrdom and I certainly don't abet in emotional suicide. -_-

Friendzone has become too mainstream for you to take the 'selfless' risk.

I know a few friends who go out of the way for a girl/guy, only to get rejected and Lord have mercy on them, they still go out of their way to keep the other party happy. Seriously, WTF? o_O

Selflessness doesn't mean you lose your self respect.

I know this one guy who ALWAYS gets friendzoned. I don't understand him. He gets TOO friendly with a girl TOO soon and then disaster strikes.

I recently hooked him up with a girl I know form office and they went out on their first date to a picturesque place outside of city. I was so excited for them, I nearly behaved like I was going on my first date.

LOL. No, my first date was not so fancy. It was a nice friendly dinner and I was a nervous wreck before alcohol clouded my brain. -_-
Yea, as expected I didn't make much of an impression on the guy 'coz the guy never took me out again. :P

But that's a different story and nothing of that sort happened with my friend. Thank God! ^_^ I had warned him - DO NOT GET TOO FRIENDLY WITH THIS ONE. YOU HAVE ENOUGH BEST FRIENDS. YOU DON'T NEED ANOTHER ONE. JUST PLAY IT COOL. PLEASE.

And he did. They sent me pictures of the two together and I was beyond happy that day.

So you see, unlike his stupid selfless behaviour, a little selfishness did my friend good. ;)

So, lemme know what you guys think. Are you a shellfish? Or a cute Walrus? ;)
I love hearing from you guys.

I am having my sweet cravings. Hehehehehe... I'm off to fill my tummy.

Toodles world. Until next time, Adiós Amigos.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    Letting go is the hardest thing one can ever do. But then if you do it, nothing like that!! My friend says " Let go, if it is true it will come back, if it doesn't then it was never your's."
    Secondly I also observe people a lot, but i dont judge their intensity of love for each other instead i enjoy the way they express their feelings towards each other, reading between the sentences, what i call it...

    Gaurav :)
